Dr. Hue Guan Thye & Team Publish on the Formation of Singapore United Temples, in Religions , SCI Q1 Journal

Associate Professor Dr. Hue Guan Thye, undergraduate students, Wang Yidan, Tang Chang, Liu Yilin, Kui Wei Kai, Dong Wei Kai, and master student Klan Choo Juhn Khai from the Center for Research on Southeast Asian Chinese Documents, Xiamen University Malaysia have recently published an article in Religions, a Q1 journal specializing in comprehensive studies of religious thought and practice.

This research has been conducted in collaboration with Prof. Kenneth Dean, Lin Ruo, Xue Yiran, and Caroline Chia from National University of Singapore. Dr. Hue Guan Thye and Wang Yidan are the corresponding authors of this article.

The United Temple is a temple form with Singaporean characteristics, and the creation of the United Temple is closely related to the urban re-development planning and land policy of Singapore in the 1970s. The article entitled “A Study of United Temple in Singapore—Analysis of Union from the Perspective of Sub-Temple” tries to explain how the formation of the United Temples was influenced by multiple spatial, social, and cultural factors. The blood lineage, religion, and regional ties from the homeland could still be essential while the localized, community-based social links beyond the boundaries play an equally crucial integrative role in forming United Temples. The authors’ contention of this research is to study the United Temple—the unique religious space in Singapore—as the potential syncretic field of the present and the past.

News link: https://www.xmu.edu.my/2022/0727/c16257a458982/page.htm